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Social/ Emotional/ Behavioral


Research shows that when districts focus on building and strengthening adult SEL, there is a positive impact on student outcomes. To support districts in developing adult SEL competencies, the Region 8 Comprehensive Center and the Michigan Department collaboratively developed a professional…
The Region 8 Comprehensive Center is supporting the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) in their mission to center student voice in social and emotional learning. Educators and students will work together in providing safe spaces and healthy environments for all students to share their…
The U.S. Department of Education (ED) launched the Safer Schools and Campuses Best Practices Clearinghouse (the Clearinghouse), a website that highlights the innovative work underway nationwide to reopen K-12 schools, early childhood centers and postsecondary institutions. Through the Clearinghouse…
The Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) requested assistance from the Region 8 Comprehensive Center (Region 8 CC) to co-facilitate and design a Stakeholder Review Committee. This request is a component of the Indiana (IN) Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) and Social-Emotional Learning…
“In light of the disproportionate effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on historically marginalized communities, an unprecedented education funding cliff, and nationwide protests for racial justice, the Comprehensive Center (CC) Network’s commitment to supporting its clients with evidence-based…
When families and schools partner to support children’s literacy achievement, children have more opportunities to learn and practice essential literacy skills and grow as readers and writers. These resources, developed by the Region 8 Comprehensive Center in partnership with the Michigan Department…


ESEA Conference Opening Session
Author: Dumdi BaribeDate:
During the 2022 National ESEA Conference, held in New Orleans this year, the Region 8 CC and Michigan Department of Education (MDE) team led three workshops during the Wednesday and Friday sessions.
Teacher and students in front of computers
Author: Amy Colton, Stephanie IrvineDate:
In another installment of a series on Region 8 CC staff, we profile our two Michigan state coordinators, Amy Colton and Stephanie Irvine, this month.
study group of high school students around a table
Author: Beverly Mattson, Kerry HoffmanDate:
In continuing our series on key Region 8 CC staff, we profile our two Indiana state coordinators, Beverly Mattson and Kerry Hoffman this month.