Stephanie Irvine
Michigan State Coordinator
Stephanie Irvine, MA, MI State Coordinator, is a Research Analyst at AEM Corporation. She has nearly 12 years of experience in teaching, education research, and TA with a focus on supporting education leaders at the school, district, state, and federal levels as they use data for decision making. In Michigan, she has worked with Education Trust–Midwest to conduct policy research on charter school accountability and early literacy. Most recently, she provided project management and TA support to ED’s Teacher Quality Programs (TQP) TA Center to help LEA, nonprofit, and higher education grantees who are implementing innovations across the educator professional continuum to increase access to effective teachers and leaders for students who are high-need. Her TA work on the TQP TA Center included management of over 30 TA products and facilitation of TA engagements, such as onsite personnel exchanges and webinar discussions. She also led analyses to identify grantee challenges, emerging promising practices, and TA needs in areas including organizational capacity building and change management.
Ms. Irvine’s TA work includes support for the Equitable Access Support Network, Race to the Top-District (RTT-D), School Improvement Grants (SIG), School Leadership Program, and Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems. For RTT-D, she led collaborations with expert and partner organizations to design, research, and write technical assistance analyses and case studies focused on innovations in personalized and virtual learning and rigorous instructional pathways to college and career. For SIG, she contributed to the development of TA resources to support ED’s Office of State Support in providing guidance to SEAs and LEAs on evidence-based and promising practices in school improvement and turnaround.